Welcome to the World of Saint Philomena
St. Philomena, daughter of the light, leads us to Jesus Christ, who said “I AM the light of the world.” (John 8:12)

The Universal Archconfraternity of Saint Philomena, Philomenian Family in the World, is an international movement of faithful that, through the devotion to our Martyr, promotes love to Jesus and Mary. The single Centers, through their local autonomy, promote the devotion to the Saint, organizing local masses and days of prayer dedicated to our Saint.
Philomenian Spirituality

Today we feel the spirituality of St. Philomena more than ever. This Saint choses us. She reaches us and touches our very soul and so we join with each other worldwide and pray together.
“O faithful virgin and glorious martyr, Saint Philomena, who works so many miracles on behalf of the poor and sorrowful, have pity on me”.
Saint Philomena

We promote devotion to St. Philomena. This virgin martyr gave her life for Jesus Christ as an early Martyr of the Church. She is known as Powerful with God. You can pray to her for all causes, spiritual and temporal, and she will hear your prayer.
St. John Vianney said: “To Saint Philomena God refuses nothing.”
For all things regarding St. Philomena, you have come to the right place!
“Behold, your mother” (John 19:27) At the cross, Jesus makes Mary the Mother of us all, crowned with twelve stars. (Revelation 12:1) She is Queen of heaven and earth and sits beside Jesus as our intercessor.
She is the model of purity and humility, and we strive to follow as her daughters and sons in Jesus Christ. Our St. Philomena family of devotees throughout the world is united in “doing whatever Jesus tells us” (John 2:5) as our Mother proclaimed at the Wedding at Cana. She lovingly comes to us and leads us to Jesus. May Jesus Christ be Praised.